Release from the Shackles of Desires by Ibn Qayyim
ISBN: 9789675699726
Author: Ibn Qayyim
Book Binding:Paperback
Size: 7.0 X 5.0 X 0.2 INCH
Publication year: 2021
Language: English
About This Book:
This instructive book is broken into two parts, each of which provides insightful advice. Ibn Qayyim examines the essence of wants in the first section, offering profound insights into their cause and intent. The second section of the book concentrates on doable methods for restraint and regulation of our wants. He also emphasizes the critical function of asking for help from the Divine, realizing the significance of relying on Allah's direction and assistance in our quest for self-mastery. Ibn Qayyim provides a deep understanding and useful advice to assist people in navigating the difficulties of their desires. "Release from the Shackles of Desires" is an invaluable tool for anyone attempting to comprehend and conquer the difficulties presented by their own inner impulses, eventually aiming for spiritual and personal development. Mankind is granted innate desires as a means of trial and sound intellect to help guide and regulate his desires. Allah also provided man divine guidance to fortify his intellect in this great task of controlling his desires which assures him tremendous blessings and favors he will gain if he places his desires under control and dominance. Al-Imam Ibn Qayyim discussed human desires in a section of his book, Raodat al-Muhibbin (The Garden of Lovers), describing its meaning, usages, how people get entangled in the web of desires, and most extensively, the means of getting released from the shackles of desires. This book is the translation of that section