How to Eat & Drink
ISBN: 9789699422034
Author: Writeway Publications
Pages: 24
Size: 20.5 X 18.5cm
Publication year: 2008
Language: English
About This Book:
An excellent technique to impart Islamic principles and practices in children's daily life is by teaching them Sunnah-based dining manners. Children can practise mindfulness and thankfulness at mealtimes by adhering to Prophetic practices. Here is a step-by-step instruction manual for parents and teachers to use when instructing kids how to eat in accordance with the Sunnah and what to say and do when eating: Teach kids the value of saying "Bismillah" (In the name of Allah) before every meal. Describe how it is a means to thank Allah for His bounty and ask Him to bless the food they are about to eat. Before eating, remind kids to wash their hands. Describe the sanitary benefits of washing your hands as well as the religious importance of cleanliness in Islam.
About The Author:
Islamic novels for both adults and children are published by Writeway Publications, a tiny independent press. Shazia Nazlee, who is also the author of several of their novels, formed them in 2005. Although Writeway Publications is situated in Lahore, Pakistan, their books are sold all over the world.The books from Writeway Publications are written in a straightforward, understandable manner. Children can learn about Islam through the wonderfully drawn books from Writeway Publications. I heartily recommend Writeway Publications if you're seeking Islamic novels for kids or adults.